The Minimal Essentials Small Pouch (BLACK)

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今シーズンからスタートしたミニマルデザインのレザー小物コレクションThe Minimal Essentials。

素材は高級感あるイタリアンレザーを使用。使い込むほどに柔らかさが増し馴染みが良くなる。 ありそうで無いシンプルなレザーポーチ。 

The Minimal Essentials is a collection of leather accessories with minimal design launched this season. The second collection is a minimalist pouch that eliminates all unnecessary design to the utmost limit. It is exquisitely sized to hold all of a man's personal belongings.  The attached ring hook allows you to attach it to your belt loop when you want to keep both hands free. The material used is high-grade Italian leather. The more you use it, the softer and more comfortable it becomes. A simple leather pouch that is not likely to be found anywhere else.

Size : W 20cm x H 23cm

Cow Leather