2 Face Dress Shirt (BW STRIPES MIX)

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前シーズンより新たなベーシックとして展開を開始したスーパーワイドシルエットシリーズから、今シーズンは日本のトップメゾンも使用する超長綿を使用したきめ細やかなブロードをミックス。 形状は前述の通り既に定番となったワイドな身幅に少し短めの丈のボックスシルエットで、ルーズなパンツからスキニーフィットまで多様なスタイリングをカバー。 ブルー系でまとめられたストライプやモノトーンのストライプミックス、ソリッドカラーとバリエーション豊富なカラー展開が魅力。



From the super wide silhouette series, which began to be offered as a new basic last season, this season's lineup is a mix of fine broadcloth made of extra-long staple cotton, which is also used by top Japanese high end brands. The shape is a box silhouette with a wide width and slightly shorter length, which has already become a standard, and covers a variety of styling from loose pants to skinny fit. The appeal of this item is its rich color variation, including blue stripes, monotone stripe mix, and solid colors.

Carefully sewn at a Tokyo-based dress manufacturer. This is a genuine dress shirt made with the utmost care and attention to detail, down to the needle and thread count.

The shirt is washed to give it an overall puckering effect, making it casual and dress-like.

Cotton 100%

M  着丈 (Length): 71 cm  肩幅 (Shoulder): 72 cm  身幅 (Chest): 82 cm  袖丈 (Sleeve): 55 cm
L.  着丈 (Length): 74 cm  肩幅 (Shoulder): 74 cm  身幅 (Chest): 85 cm  袖丈 (Sleeve): 56 cm
XL  着丈 (Length): 77 cm  肩幅 (Shoulder): 76 cm  身幅 (Chest): 88 cm  袖丈 (Sleeve): 57 cm