NANGA Aurora down jacket MS ver. / Multicam (MIL-SPEC)
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安全で品質の良いダウンを使用し独自の縫製技術によって制作するアイテムは”暖かく軽い” 今ブームでもあるアウトドアにおいて絶大な人気と信頼を獲得。
このNANGA社の定番品でもあるAURORA DOWN JACKETをMAGIC STICK流にアレンジ。アウトドアらしいフィットの良さを敢えてタウンユース版として若干のサイズアップを施しベンチレーション的に空気の流れ込みを良くするモディファイを導入。
また表面素材は2バージョン、NANGA社がリリースするもう一つの代表作TAKIBI DOWN JACKETで使用される難燃素材を完全移植。
更に今期MAGIC STICKが多く取り入れるアメリカから輸入したMIL SPECの30デニールミニリップストップは米軍用にデザインされたMULTICAM。
ダウンプルーフは羽毛布団専用に織られた目の詰まった生地(高密度織物)にローラーの圧力と熱を使って糸と糸との隙間をつぶして空気以外通ることが出来ないようにされた状態にし、 加工により空気のみ通過できることがとても大切で、ダウンの吹き出しを防止しながら、通気性を良くすることで使用時のムレを防ぐことができる 本家にありそうでなかったアイテムはタウンユースはもちろん、アウトドアシーンでも注目される一着へと昇華している。
NANGA was originally established as a duvets and bedding manufacturer in 1990. With the know-how learned through manufacturing down duvets, the company turned into a manufacturer of down sleeping bags stick with the domestic production. The “Warm and Light” products produced with their original technique using safe and high quality down have gained tremendous popularity and trust in outdoor industry which is booming in this current time being. MAGIC STICK teamed up with NANGA to modify their iconic standard AURORA DOWN JACKET. MAGIC STICK modified its original silhouette to baggier fit to give some room to ventilate for urban uses. Extra pocket added for more storage capacity. Note worthy feature is the down fill used for the jacket. All the down used for these jackets are recycled down considering the animal protection point of view. The feathers are completely revived with a special recycling process that only the manufacturer can provide.
Comes in two different fabrication, adopting the flame-resistant material used for NANGA’s other iconic product “TAKIBI DOWN JACKET. The other color way is MULTICAM MIL SPEC 30 Denier mini ripstop imported from official military supplier in the US. Originally designed for the US military, Multicam® is a patented camouflage technology proven to outperform other camo prints across a wide-range of environments.
Breathable, calendered 1.55 oz ripstop nylon with high-quality NanoSphere® DWR. Like all genuine Multicam® fabrics, this material is second to none in abrasion resistance, water repellency, and overall quality.
This fabric is DOWNPROOF and suitable for use in down gear/projects. Great for projects such as top quilts, under quilts, sleeping bags, pillows, and jackets. Distinctive collaboration piece that doesn’t exist in inline attract attentions on both street and outdoor scenes.
SHOULDER (肩幅) 51cm
SLEEVE (袖丈)68cm
SHOULDER (肩幅)53cm
SLEEVE (袖丈) 69.5cm
SHOULDER (肩幅)55cm
SLEEVE (袖丈) 71cm