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所謂アメリカンライダースジャケットの大味なソレではなく、シックでモダンな形状のロンドンジャケット、通称ロンジャンMAGIC STICKがロンドンの老舗J AMES GROSE社に別注し初リリース。

今回のパートナーシップを結んだブランドJAMES GROSE社は19世紀後半に創業し最初の最盛期は1930年代。

当時のイギリスではオートバイ産業が発展しモーターサイクルジャケットの需要が一気に高まると、富裕層たちはより上質なアイテムを求めてJAMES GROSEを好んで纏うようになりました。

1970年のブランド休止から約40年後、工場に保管されているJAMES GROSEのヴィンテージジャケットが発見されます。





職人によるハンドメイド製品の為、大量生産は行わず非常に少量のリミテッド数での展開となり、MAGIC STICK直営店、オンライン限定商品となります。

ベースにロンジャンの基本形状とも言えるJAMES GROSE社のMANILA JACKETを使用し、MAGIC STICKらしい都会的なコンフォートfitにモディファイ。

大きなデザイン編集は行わず、ブランドのベーシックラインTHE COREで多く使用する背面の一本接ぎ、肩のダーツ、肩甲骨の変形ポジションプリントを取り入れたニュージェネレーションロンドンジャケットとしています。 ライナーには極薄の中綿をキルティング加工し3シーズンの着用を想定した仕様に。



HAND MADE IN ENGLANDという拘りが、ブランドの長くクローゼットの主役となる製品づくりというアイデンティティと合致した製品です。

着丈 : 63.5cm 肩幅 : 46.5cm 身幅 : 114cm 袖丈 : 61.5cm
着丈 : 66.5cm 肩幅 : 48.5cm 身幅 : 120cm 袖丈 : 62.5cm

The "LONJAN" is one of the most important items of clothing in the fashion scene of both street and high end fashion in Tokyo.
This is a chic and modern London jacket, known as a "LONJAN", not a big American rider's jacket, and MAGIC STICK has a special ordered from the long-established London company “JAMES GROSE” and released it for the first time.
JAMES GROSE, the company with which we have entered into this partnership, was founded in the late 19th century and first reached its peak in the 1930s.
As the motorcycle industry developed in England at that time, the demand for motorcycle jackets rose dramatically, and wealthy people began to prefer to wear JAMES GROSE jackets in search of higher quality items.About 40 years after the brand was suspended in 1970, a vintage JAMES GROSE jacket was discovered in the factory. It was made in the 1950s and was made of high quality materials, and the manufacturing technique was amazingly perfect. This one piece of clothing led to the revival of the brand in 2013.

Currently, the brand is manufactured at the only factory in London that specializes in motorcycle jackets, and each piece is handmade by a family business.
We were attracted to the British craftsmen's belief in honest craftsmanship, which is similar to the craftsmanship of traditional Japanese products, which led to the creation of this product.
Because it is a handmade product by craftsmen, it is not mass-produced, and will be developed in a very small limited quantity, and will be a product limited to directly-managed MAGIC STICK stores and online.

The MANILA JACKET of the JAMES GROSE company, which can be said to be the basic shape of a "LONJAN", is used as the base, and modified into an urban comfort fit as MAGIC STICK style.
Without major design editing, the jacket is a new generation London jacket that incorporates the single back seam, shoulder darts, and shoulder blade deformation position prints that are often used in the brand's basic line THE CORE.
The liner is quilted with ultra-thin padding and is designed for three-season wear.
The jacket is made of high quality cowhide leather, which will change over time as it is worn longer.
In addition to being worn as a fashion item, it can of course also be used as motorcycle wear, which is becoming one of the core elements of the brand, including the production of demo cars.

The commitment to “HAND MADE IN ENGLAND” is matched with the brand's identity of creating products that will be the mainstay of your closet for a long time.
Length : 63.5cm Shoulder : 46.5cm Chest : 114cm Sleeve : 61.5cm
Length : 66.5cm Shoulder : 48.5cm Chest : 120cm Sleeve : 62.5cm